What We Do
Every single campaign is unique, which is why we become strategic partners to every candidate we work with.
From the first conversation on the phone or at a kitchen table, through writing a campaign plan and budget, to the campaign launch and the months-long slog of fundraising and grassroots organizing, we’re there with you, every step of the way. We’re there to help our clients build their teams, hone their message, prep for debates and make sure every contact with voters is direct and moves the needle.
Our clients rely on us to provide campaign expertise borne of a combined 50 years of campaign management and grassroots advocacy. Our commitment to each of our clients is to provide the highest possible level of service, creating a structure that allows for fast decisions, strong rapid response, laser-like focus on the one true goal: Victory.
With millions of dollars being spent on television, digital advertising, and through traditional voter contact measures, perhaps the most meaningful interaction a campaign can have with a voter is a personal conversation. At Camelback, we work with our campaigns to give them the data, training, and tools they need to be successful. Whether it is working with your campaign to build a targeted, data-driven universe, or partnering with us to conduct a large scale paid canvassing program, our team is built and ready to champion your cause through personalized voter
interactions, elevating your voice… one door at a time.Our field representatives are held to a high standard; we do not hire temps, and we handle all administrative duties from onboarding and payroll, to management and oversight.
fter a successful primary with over 365,000 doors knocked, Texans for Greg Abbott (TGA) approached us with a lofty goal of 1 million voter identifications for the General Election. Based on our contact rate during the primary, we estimated that about 3 million doors would need to be knocked to achieve this result. We began by dividing regions into tiers 1 through 4. Tier 1 and 2 regions had a permanent presence that was built off of teams from the primary and expanded into surrounding counties. Tier 3 regions were started later into the project in order to provide a
scalable team with relation to the region’s universe density. Tier 4 regions were visited by a traveling team who completed a pass and then moved onto the next. The organization was comprised of 15 regions with a goal of 30 regional managers and 750 canvassers, all led by an embedded staff member who worked hand-in-glove with the TGA political and data teams throughout the entire election cycle.Camelback successfully knocked 3,100,542 doors and identified 1,328,257 voters during the General Election with 23 regional managers and a final roster of 791 canvassers. In Dallas and Fort Worth, our team of over 250 canvassers knocked on just under 1 million doors and identified close to 400,000 voters. Our nearly 100 bilingual canvassers in the Rio Grande Valley knocked on 215,031 doors and identified 83,366 voters. The Camelback team in Houston was
able to complete three full passes of their universe worth 417,876 doors.“Camelback Strategy Group delivered a high quality, grassroots door to door program across
the state of Texas. All told, the Camelback team visited over 3.4 million individual households
and conducted over a million surveys, and played a key role in Governor Abbott’s re-election.And all of this engagement took place without the drama so many field programs seem to get
infected with. Responsive to changing targets, adding bilingual team members mid cycle on the
fly and complete transparency throughout. Under promised and over delivered; a great value
added campaign partner.” -Dave Carney: Chief Strategist, Texans for Greg Abbott -
Camelback Strategy Group is proud to provide outstanding public affairs advocacy on behalf of clients from a wide array of industries and sectors of our economy. Camelback has established itself as the foremost public affairs firm in Arizona, with work expanding into other southwestern states on behalf of our clients and partners.
Camelback’s approach to public affairs advocacy is one of partnership with our clients to ensure the right message is reaching the targeted government entity, lawmaker or influencer. Whether a full-scale advocacy campaign, roundtable discussion, or a series of intercepts, we consistently succeed in breaking through the noise to deliver our client’s message. When appropriate, we engage in direct lobbying and often in conjunction with our partner company, Consilium, to ensure the best results for our clients.
We have represented industries from public safety to financial services to energy. Each effort is individually tailored with a specific game plan, agreed-upon targets, and a realistic, aggressive definition of what success looks like. We’ve taken on some of the biggest fights...and won.
Camelback Strategy Group are the writers and production team behind countless unique pieces of mail for Republican campaigns and conservative causes across the country. With printing facilities across the country, our team makes conveying your message our priority.
Through years of experience, we know that a data driven, unique mail plan for your campaign or cause can influence the outcome of any election. Our campaign team has spent decades working with candidates up and down the ballot to create hard hitting messages, specialized for the targeted audience. At Camelback, we design pieces to cut through the campaign clutter and
catch a voter’s attention.Whether you are looking for advanced variable data slate mailers, non-allocable production, or campaign to voter contact, our production team has a turn-key process that places
communication, transparency, and simplicity at its center.Contact us for a quote or to get started with your own personalized direct mail plan